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  1. heppnerguy


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2024 in all areas

  1. Kris Martinson


    Finished cutting this today. Pattern by me, from an unknown western artist's painting. 11 x 14 x 1/8 Baltic Birch ply. FD #1 spiral blades.
    6 points
  2. sydknee

    My good friend Bill

    I have been meaning to cut this for a long time. made out of a old drawer bottom and the frame from a salvaged bora ridden oak table that still had some sound wood left.
    4 points
  3. Made a few things for the inventory, 3 shows that I have committed to attend
    3 points
  4. I know this not the right place to put this but I thought it was probably the place most looked at by members so I took the liberty to post it here. This will be most interesting to those that do intarsia work but even if one does not, I believe all would be interesting in viewing it My daughter in Heppner, Oregon, where we lived for over 15 years before moving to Arizona, has a wood burning stove that she heats her home with and she was cutting her wood so they will be ready when the summer warmth disappears. As she was splitting some Camerack wood some of the pieces had this unbelievably beautiful pink center. Knowing that I do some intarsia, she sent me a photo of a piece of it. I asked her how wide it the pink center of the wood. She told me she thought some of it was between 3 and 5 inches. She is coming for a visit next week and told my she would put a piece or two into her backpack to give to me. The cause of the pink centers is not really known for sure by us but I was told several years ago when I had a piece of it that was a brilliant blue, rather than the pink center this one is, that it was caused by a certain beetle that homes in the trees. Other guesses was it was caused by the soil in which it is growing. As far as I know, all is just a guess. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy seeing this, and yes, I hope to be able to get more of it and seeing if it is workable. My daughter said she will try to save as much as she can for me. My other daughter who also lives in Heppner is also a wood worker so I don't know how much she will be grabbing for herself, leaving whatever she decides I should be able to have for myself. The Pink does not go through most of the center of the wood pieces so they are extremely rare to find. Dick heppnerguy
    2 points
  5. These two free patterns came from Judy Gale Roberts Website. They are Intarsia Patterns I made into Painted Segmented wall hangings that I will be sending to my son and daughter. Again, I cut the patterns from one piece of 1x10 clear premium pine board but added Intarsia techniques to sculpture as well as raise and lower parts to improve the presentation. I made no changes to the patterns except to delete the “floor” area under Santas’ feet. All cutting, painting and finishing details for these pieces are exactly the same as my previous post: Copycat Family Christmas decoration Gifts, so I will not repeat here. All I will add however is; Hoot was a hoot to cut and paint. Nom 7" x 12" Nom 10" x 12" Thanks for reading. Comments and Critiques always welcome.
    2 points
  6. heppnerguy

    Sun Rider try

    I have had some interesting time cutting this pattern. When I saw Kris Martinson's new sun Rider pattern I not only really enjoyed it but it also caught my eye because the area that is Sun Rider is seen, looks like the area of Arizona where I now live and so I mentioned in my comment on his post and he was so generous to send me a copy of his pattern and told me to go ahead and give it a try. There were a lot of things in the pattern I really did not understand how he was able to do them but I gave it my best shot and came out with one I am mostly satisfied with. I cut in from 1/4 BB Ply and mostly used a #1 Pegus spiral blade. A lot of the pattern parts are quite small and I had to use the drill bits I had to make the entry holes. It was a rather fun one to cut, and I liked the challenges it presented me, and the total time to complete this project was three hours. I wish to once again thank Kris for the pattern and allowing me to post it here also. Dick heppnerguy
    2 points
  7. rjweb


    Excellent cutting, RJ
    2 points
  8. After reading Richard’s post, aka heppnerguy, of August 17, I jumped on the Idea. I had already planned to make something for my Great-Grandson, who is just turning 1 this month. Also, my Lady's Son and Daughter in law are expecting a baby boy in December, and of course, she asked me to make something “cute” for him. These wall hangings are what I came up with. I found the Snowman and a Santa Segmentation patterns on Good’s Scrollsaw Workshop site that I will send to my Grandson. I also found a Judy Gale Roberts Intarsia Pattern of a Christmas Teddy Bear Pattern, that I used as a Segmentation, that she can send to her son. Like Richard is doing, these will be sent out early, so they will arrive well before Thanksgiving. All three pieces were cut from nominal 1’x10” thick clear premium pine using Pegas #1 MGT R Blades. I started each cutting from one small inconspicuous hole, such that the waste board created a solid border to hold the loose pieces in proper position while they were assembled and glued to the backer. The backer is 1/8” thick BB Ply, with edges painted Black, cut about a sixteenth of an inch inside the pattern outline. Although the patterns were cut from one board, I used typical Intarsia techniques to do sculpturing, lowering some areas while I added shims to elevate other areas to obtain a nice presentation. After all pieces were sanded, I applied an acrylic sealer followed by light sanding and then I painted each piece separately using my Air Brush and Artist Acrylic Air Brush paints. Eight different colors (not counting the tiny bit of gold on the bears buckle I did with a brush), each done separately with significant drying time in between. After the pieces were glued to the backer and the outer waste board removed, the assembly was protected with multiple coats of Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish spray. Nom 8" x 11" Nom 8" x 11" Nom 7" x 9" Comments and Critiques always welcome.
    2 points
  9. Just some quickies to add to the 125 toys I am making for a local children's cancer organization. I figured I needed some things for the little-little ones too! The teethers are finished in beeswax and coconut oil. The balls and rings on the rattles are quite large. They do not fit in my "Choke Hazzard" tester. I like these quick little projects.
    1 point
  10. I was looking through the manual; on page 9 they address what the pin is for: when changing holes, you gently lift the arm until it clicks, when you want to lower the arm you pull the pin and carefully lower the arm until it clicks in the down position. I have to assume that failure to lock the arm in the down position will affect the blade tension.
    1 point
  11. What is the basic purpose of that pin now that you have some knowledge of this? Does this pin allow the arm to stay raised after cutting? It is not going to kep the arm down when cutting. No need for that.
    1 point
  12. Scrappile

    Some of God's work

    There is a beetle infesting lots of Washington wood in the forest, I wonder it it somehow caused the color variation. Like the boxelder beetles makes the red in boxelder.
    1 point
  13. That is impressive work. Well Done!!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Blaughn

    My good friend Bill

    I love it when people turn scrap into art. Well Done!!
    1 point
  16. Those are beautifully done and impressive. Bruce
    1 point
  17. Blaughn

    Some of God's work

    Wow. That is really unusual. Be curious to see what you do with it. Bruce
    1 point
  18. jerry walters

    Some of God's work

    I believe it was done by the title of your posting. "SOME OF GOD'S WORK". Jerry
    1 point
  19. Your work is so dang nicely done. I sure hope I can better my painting as I try to follow your suggestions to obtain my goal there. I love everything you have posted. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  20. Sometimes the guys think everything should be bold to be masculine, they will get over that once they get married and start having a family. Personally I think they are perfect as they are and they should be very grateful they have someone that is will to give them things they made and some day they will cherish it just because you made it just for them. Beautifully done. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  21. heppnerguy

    My good friend Bill

    Very nicely done project. Nice clean cuts and a great finish for it too. Your good friend will certainly love this one. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  22. I really like that. I would have never given that a thought. It is a really nice and rather fun decoration. Way to go. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  23. A truly dedicated man to help others. Great job and a very good cause. You are truly a great example for all of us to consider from time to time. Way better than making things to sell, in my opinion. Not that selling ones work is wrong, but rather, remembering other's needs, that we all can help resolve with our work in our shops. At the same time it helps us as scrollers to feel a little better about ourselves. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  24. heppnerguy

    Sun Rider try

    The Charlie Brown sign is located just West of Arlington, which if you remember Arlington is about 15 miles West of the Arlington exit on 84. As you are heading West on 84 and passed the Arlington exit the road starts a fairly long assent upward. When you are approximately half way up the hill, look to your left, (away from the river side) and you will see what almost looks like the a man made sculpture of Charlie Brown laying on his back and looking at the sky. It is amazing and probably missed by most people driving the route. I am going to go to Heppner in November for one week. Not sure if I will have the time to get away as there is a lot planned for this trip. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  25. OCtoolguy

    Scroll Saw Clubs

    I feel your pain. Traffic sucks! Even without the road rage.
    1 point
  26. edward

    Wood sources

    I been buying my BB on Amazon from Woodpeckers for over a year now and have no problems with them I use mostly !/8" and 1/4" and it is good Quality plus shipping is free with Prime Micheals and Hobby Lobby don't sell it anymore at least in this area.
    1 point
  27. FrankEV

    Great Find

    You better stack them with spacers and apply a heavy load on top of the stack to keep them flat while drying or you will have a pile of useless curled up and cracked pieces. No need to plane untill they are dry. 7% on a moisture meter is your goal. Will likely take a year or two.
    1 point
  28. Beautiful work in many ways!
    1 point
  29. I think they look great and have the best message.
    1 point
  30. Print pattern, afix to wood, cut, sculpture by sanding, sand some more, prime, paint, glue to backer, apply protective finish, add hanger on back. Any other questions?
    1 point
  31. rjweb

    My good friend Bill

    Looks great, RJ
    1 point
  32. Dak0ta52

    My good friend Bill

    Nicely done!!!
    1 point
  33. I appreciate your advice. I will try that next time as I am never very happy when I colorize a project. Good tips... thank you for your help Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  34. No. You can get an assortment (6-8) pack of brushes specifically made for Acrylic paints at any craft store like Hobby Lobby, Michales, or even Walmart, for about $10 to $15 that are good. Keep them clean with water, and maybe a brush cleaner once in a while, between uses and they will last a long time. IMO, foam brushes and the cheap throwaway coarse bristle brushes are not suitable to get a nice finish.
    1 point
  35. daveww1

    My good friend Bill

    awesome job
    1 point
  36. Why would you buy this clone saw if your DW 788 is still working? Could buy a lot of patterns and wood for the price. Tom
    1 point
  37. OCtoolguy

    Scroll Saw Clubs

    There is a club here in Orange County, Ca. that meets at the Rockler Store in the city of Orange. The problem for me is not the distance but the traffic nightmare. It's bad enough that I would almost make it an overnighter just to attend. Unless you live here, you can't imagine how bad it is to go anywhere. And then there is the excessive cost of gasoline.
    1 point
  38. They are all so very cute. They will be cherished. Marg
    1 point
  39. Excellent craftsmanship, RJ
    1 point
  40. I always do. I developed a Logo that I burn with a engraving laser on to the back of every piece I do. includes a line for my hand written signature and the date.
    1 point
  41. Very nice work Frank! These are going to be cherished.
    1 point
  42. You continue to amaze me with your artistic capabilities. Jerry
    1 point
  43. Great looking xmas ornaments.
    1 point
  44. Wow! Those are awesome!
    1 point
  45. Woodmaster1

    Wood sources

    I get mine lljohnson’s workbench. picking up some Friday at the wood expo.
    1 point
  46. Gonzo

    Wood sources

    I agree with Ctutor. Ocooch. They are really good to work with.
    1 point
  47. NC Scroller

    Wood sources

    1 point
  48. Ctutor

    Wood sources

    Ocooh hardware has the best around they are fast and it is sanded
    1 point
  49. Bill WIlson

    Wood sources

    The Pittsburgh Rockler carries it. I typically get it at a local hardwood lumber yard, but they haven't stocked it in any quantity for some the past several years. I bought some on-line, for the first time, a couple years ago, but I can't recall the name of the place.
    1 point
  50. kmmcrafts

    Wood sources

    I always get mine locally at http://theworkbench.com/ in full 60" x 60" sheets... I mostly only use 1/8".. They were out of stock for a long time due to the covid? stuff so I ordered a couple boxes of 12" x 12" from Cherokee https://www.cherokeewood.com/ and while it was more money I also found the sheets I received never had any of the football patches.. maybe I was lucky that order or maybe they sort it out of the smaller pieces.. I was really impressed with the quality.. I believe it was free shipping back then but maybe that has changed. Being I sell online and have a good idea of shipping cost I believe I was paying nearly the same price as I get it locally but the shipping would be extra cost.. Not sure I made that clear.. basically I feel like the plywood is priced the same but I paid extra because of shipping which is why it cost me more. However it was nice to not have to process ( cut down to usable sizes ).. which the local source will do but they also charge that extra for too which if I wanted the 12 x 12 pieces then the price would be really comparable. I mostly only use it for ornaments so the 12 x 12 worked out good, but if you're doing portraits then larger sizes might be a better option. The convenience of not having to cut down the big sheets has made me almost consider just buying it from these guys and paying the little extra. I also really like the "project panels" from Home Depot.. though a bit more money.. very nice to work with and my laser cuts it much better than BBply. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Columbia-Forest-Products-5-32-in-x-1-ft-x-1-ft-7-in-PureBond-Maple-Plywood-Project-Panel-10-Pack-4940/312284408 They have maple, birch, walnut and maybe a few others.
    1 point
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