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Showing content with the highest reputation since 10/07/2012 in Article Comments

  1. I wanted to layout the board to visualize the cuts. I did this and it takes 42 inches of board.
    4 points
  2. Tbow388

    Billy The Kid

    Here is my version. I decided to my first stack cut with this one. I used a 1/8 Oak veneered over a masonite type board. I got it from a cabinet shop. I used some OLD nails as a accent in the corners of the frame.
    3 points
  3. Great job Travis. I know that you are trying to not be political but I think you need to mention something about the supply and cost issues due to the embargo of products from Russia. If nothing else say something like “The cost and supply of Baltic Birch fluctuates due to global and regional factors.”
    3 points
  4. Wichman

    Modifying Pinned Blades

    2. drill holes at each end of the line drawn: Drill holes along the line as closely as possible. Once the holes are drilled (as many as possible ), using very mild sideways pressure use the drill bit to cut sideways between the holes, go slow and only a small depth at a time. This slot was created with a Dremel and a #72 (.025) drill bit. I started with the plunge router attachment to drill the line of holes; then switched to the Dremel handheld (choked up on the bit) to create the slot: A picture of the slot with the blade installed:
    2 points
  5. Wichman

    Modifying Pinned Blades

    There is a part 2; making the slot for the blade. 1. Using the blade to be used, draw a line within the pattern as a guide for drilling the slot:
    2 points
  6. Scrappile

    Billy The Kid

    And he his another out of the ball park. Great job!
    2 points
  7. @Travis, Very nice article on BBply, well researched and well written. I learned things I had not known about BBply. On the flip side, you have not mentioned short-comings of BBply and, as a result, the article comes across as a sales pitch for BBply. Disclaimer, I am not a fan of BBply. Perhaps I have unknowingly been using inferior quality BBply, I don't know. I prefer working with hardwoods. Nevertheless, here are some of the things I do not like about BBply: 1. It does not finish as well as good hardwoods. The surface being a softwood (Birch), it does not sand as smooth nor take a stain or finish as well as hardwoods. And it will never give the beautiful grain patterns we expect from hardwoods. But it is ok if you are just going to paint it. 2. It makes fuzzies, as do most any softwoods. 3. The edges show the plies unless you go to extremes to cover them. That is a turn-off for me. 4. Maybe the price of BBply was an advantage at one time, but it is not anymore.
    2 points
  8. That should be publish in scroll saw magazine, very informative and well written, great job Travis.
    2 points
  9. Well done and informative. I learned lots more than I thought I knew. Thanks for your continued support.
    2 points
  10. 1 point
  11. heppnerguy

    Billy The Kid

    A nicely done explanation on all the steps you used to cut and finish your project. I prefer to use the exact method you described also. Thanks for your work and the steps you follow. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  12. I think a couple issues that new scrollers have, especially if they have some familiarity with other wood cutting saws, is how slowly scroll saw blades cut and how quickly they wear out. Size & type will determine how fast and how long a scroll saw blade will cut but they will never cut like a bandsaw, table saw or even a jig saw blade. Setting realistic expectations seems to be one of the first things a new scroller needs to understand.
    1 point
  13. Norm Fengstad

    Billy The Kid

    Nice and Billy gets live again
    1 point
  14. Travis

    Billy The Kid

    That turned out amazing! Nicely done!
    1 point
  15. Excellent tutorial, thanks. I've always used a torch in the past with mixed results, Thinking I need to give the hair dryer a try.
    1 point
  16. malar


    Has anyone used LibreOffice Draw? It's free and there are different versions for the OS your using.
    1 point
  17. heppnerguy


    wow. 127,00 views and no comments? I can't hardly believe that. It seems that every post someone makes get several comments. I like your word pattern and the way you added to sparkles to it, however I was a little disapointed in the difficulty to view it as the black color simply did not seem to stand out very well but it was the perfect color for Halloween. Good job Travis Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  18. I will be darned if I don't create at least one of these this weekend. Thank you for the idea!
    1 point
  19. Mrlour

    Fence Board Jack-O-Lanterns

    Great job!! Thanks for posting.
    1 point
  20. Fab4

    Fence Board Jack-O-Lanterns

    Thanks Travis: Easy to make, easy to follow instructions Well done Fab4
    1 point
  21. jesse

    LOVE Farmhouse-Style Sign

    Very nice job.
    1 point
  22. barb.j.enders

    Peeps & Carrots

    That is so cute!
    1 point
  23. Travis, this was so well done! Excellent timing and display of all that you were doing. Keep these coming.
    1 point
  24. poupster2

    LOVE Farmhouse-Style Sign

    Great idea Travis, What I like the most is the simplicity of execution!
    1 point
  25. MrsN

    LOVE Farmhouse-Style Sign

    this is a great project! simple but well done!
    1 point
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