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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/14/2024 in Article Comments

  1. Wichman

    Modifying Pinned Blades

    2. drill holes at each end of the line drawn: Drill holes along the line as closely as possible. Once the holes are drilled (as many as possible ), using very mild sideways pressure use the drill bit to cut sideways between the holes, go slow and only a small depth at a time. This slot was created with a Dremel and a #72 (.025) drill bit. I started with the plunge router attachment to drill the line of holes; then switched to the Dremel handheld (choked up on the bit) to create the slot: A picture of the slot with the blade installed:
    2 points
  2. Wichman

    Modifying Pinned Blades

    There is a part 2; making the slot for the blade. 1. Using the blade to be used, draw a line within the pattern as a guide for drilling the slot:
    2 points
  3. Scrappile

    Billy The Kid

    And he his another out of the ball park. Great job!
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. heppnerguy

    Billy The Kid

    A nicely done explanation on all the steps you used to cut and finish your project. I prefer to use the exact method you described also. Thanks for your work and the steps you follow. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  6. I think a couple issues that new scrollers have, especially if they have some familiarity with other wood cutting saws, is how slowly scroll saw blades cut and how quickly they wear out. Size & type will determine how fast and how long a scroll saw blade will cut but they will never cut like a bandsaw, table saw or even a jig saw blade. Setting realistic expectations seems to be one of the first things a new scroller needs to understand.
    1 point
  7. Norm Fengstad

    Billy The Kid

    Nice and Billy gets live again
    1 point
  8. Travis

    Billy The Kid

    That turned out amazing! Nicely done!
    1 point
  9. Tbow388

    Billy The Kid

    Here is my version. I decided to my first stack cut with this one. I used a 1/8 Oak veneered over a masonite type board. I got it from a cabinet shop. I used some OLD nails as a accent in the corners of the frame.
    1 point
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