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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/14/2025 in Posts
30 points
22 points
Guardian Eagle
yosi and 20 others reacted to Roberta Moreton for a topic
21 points -
Hummingbird - 2.0
artisanpirate and 19 others reacted to barb.j.enders for a topic
Here is a second Steve Shears hummingbird. It has been reduced in size from the original. It is maybe 6" long. Because of that I grouped a couple of the wing bits. Woods used are Quilted Maple, Yellowheart, Canarywood, Eucalyptus, Tigerwood, Lacewood, ebonized Walnut. Finish is a coat of Walrus oil. I am disappointed in the lacewood. I was hoping for more grain showing.20 points -
Round weave box
GPscroller and 19 others reacted to Dave Monk for a topic
20 points -
I’ll Fly Away
scrollntole and 19 others reacted to Charlie E for a topic
20 points -
Breadboard Project
goldfish and 18 others reacted to rafairchild2 for a topic
19 points -
Bayou Blue Heron
MarieC and 16 others reacted to Denny Knappen for a topic
Bayou Blue Heron pattern by Judy Gale Roberts and found in the current issue of SWWC. I used 1/2" Red Oak and backed with mat board. Cut in the Pegas Scroll Saw using Pegas #3 MGT blades. After sanding, dipped in diluted Shellac and after drying, one coat of spray Lacquer Clear Satin. Comments welcome.17 points -
The oak was more from an old yard fence a friend gave me. The whole privacy fence is oak. I used 321 but had to sand the cross down because you couldn’t see it. I then used semigloss poly. My wife did the finish for me. The walnut was a piece of scrap a friend gave me. My wife drew the pattern for me and did the finish w poly. We’ve been working on a bunch of stuff for the store where we sell for consignment. Thanks for looking.17 points
17 points
The FB February/March PAM is a series of eight Umbrella Girl patterns provided by Bob Beaupre. Entries can be one or more of the eight. You can find many finished versions Umbrella Girl Intarsia on Pinterest and I happen to run across a version of Number 7 by a Mehmet Biçer. Although the subject is not particularly interesting to me, after seeing Mehmet’s version I decided I would make only one and I also chose to do number 7. I used the photo his as guide for my presentation. I resized the patten slightly to fit a 9 3/4” x 11 3/4’ oval. Wood I used: Aspen, Basswood, Blue Pine (5/8” thick for Oval), Cherry, Mahogany, Purpleheart, Wenge, and Yellowheart. The project was an easy cut but cutting the hat gave me fits (pun intended) during fit-up. That damn hard Purpleheart…you get my drift! The finish is multiple coats of rattle can spray Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish. This is the image of the biece by Mehmet. Comments and critiques are always welcome.16 points
Fish and 15 others reacted to don in brooklin on for a topic
It is a long time since I cut a Wordart. Designed lots but next week our club is going to review the library at our club. It is a really great resource and was started by my dear friend who passed away a couple of years ago. For all the work he did for the club and especially the formation of the library it was named the "Mack Cameron Memorial Library". I have the privilege of creating the sign for the library to be presented at this meeting. PS: If anyone was a pen turner, you may remember Mack on all the pen forums as he was a real avid pen turner.16 points -
Stick figures person and dogs
bobscroll and 14 others reacted to Allen levine for a topic
For my daughters next fundraiser at school I'm making a load of these stick figure pieces ive made 100's of them in the past mostly with the bandsaw still need sanding and some need floppy ears to be attached last years fundraiser was a huge success with the birdhouses and feeders she sold every unit I hope she sells a lot of them to staff as I told her I can make as many as she needs for the actual sale normally I trace them onto wood but this time I glued paper pattern so everyone of them is same to mix and match species Spanish cedar walnut poplar so far will use sapele and cherry as I move along she said 36 sets would be fine as I'm making her some other things like planters also since it's first week of may sale msde 18 sets so far ina couple of days but I know sanding will take some time snd my scraps are building rapidly i I did not rummage through scraps for these just lazy but all scrolling projects in future will first be sought after from scraps first if possible15 points -
This is my first posting in quite a while - except for a couple projects here and there I really haven't been sitting at the scrollsaw a whole lot - my bad .... This project was one that has a bit of meaning so it was important to "get it right". "Minnie" is a 17 year old Daschshund and, despite showing her age, remains an enthusiastic Packers fan (along with her "Mom"). Minnie has been cut into Cherry and framed by Butternut (stained with red chestnut). The backing is 1/8 inch Baltic Birch stained black. Many thanks to yamatetsu, of this forum, for generously contributing the pattern making skills that made the project possible. Thanks again, Jay15 points
Purple Heart - Combat Wounded Veteran Sign
meflick and 13 others reacted to Kris Martinson for a topic
14 points -
Made this Piggy Bank last month and had to wait to see what color it was to be painted. Found out last week it is gonna be a boy. Also got to use my new branding iron. I bought a branding iron thru Rockler years ago, but I'll use this new iron for projects just for the Grandson. I should have used an "X" pattern for the screws holding the acrylic on instead of the "cross" pattern.. that left screw head messes with the look of the eye a little. Working on a wooden rocking horse now for him. I have it temporarily clamped together just to see what it is gonna look like. Everything is cut out and sanded, just need to paint all of the pieces and assemble... then wait about 2 years before he can actually use it!!14 points
danny and 13 others reacted to barb.j.enders for a topic
14 points -
Four more Miniature Birdhouse Ornaments using Spectraply for the birds
TAIrving and 12 others reacted to Denny Knappen for a topic
Four more Miniature Birdhouse Ornaments. The first three birdhouses are made with Ash. The fourth is Cherry. All the little birds are made from Spectraply. Cut on the Pegas Scroll Saw using Pegas #3 and #6 Super Skip blades. Dipped in diluted Shellac two times with a light sanding with the Mac Mop between coats. Comments welcome.13 points -
Penguins time
JJB and 12 others reacted to scrollerpete for a topic
13 points -
I received a commission from my son-in-law’s sister for me to make her a piece of Intarsia as birthday gift for her husband who likes Beachy scenes, and more so, one that includes a Lighthouse. I happen to have a pattern, that was shared by Allen Barr on FB, of a slightly abstract version of a Lighthouse which she felt would be perfect. This is my interpretation of Allens Pattern. I first needed to convert his PDF of a paper print into a digital file so I could reduce his 15” diameter size and print out the pattern on one piece of 13”x 19” (Super B) paper. The final piece, including frame, is a nominal 12 ½” diameter. Wood used: Aspen, Basswood, Black Limba, Blue Pine, Monkeypod, Padauk, Spalted Maple,Wenge, Yellowheart, and Quarter Sawn White Oak for the Frame. Finish is multiple coats of rattle can spray Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish. Comments and critiques are allways welcome.13 points
Old Mining Town
New Guy and 12 others reacted to Kris Martinson for a topic
13 points -
Cat box
RabidAlien and 12 others reacted to preprius for a topic
A cat crew lady sent me a Pic of her cat. The cat crew traps, neuter, and releases (TNR) feral cats. I saw I had a Cocobola piece of wood with nice grain. 1/4" thick 3 inches x 12 inches. Her pic would not look good on my 3 inch wood due to aspect ratios. So I found a cat pic on web and adapted swirl pattern to a stalking cat profile. So I made her a cat box. She is an artist also. She sketches paints other people's cats and then glues on cat whiskers that she collects. This box will hold her cat whiskers.13 points -
Wedding gift
danny and 12 others reacted to tony coleman for a topic
13 points -
Spectraply Compound Birds for the Miniature Birdhouse Ornaments
Mike Crosa and 11 others reacted to Denny Knappen for a topic
12 points -
Lambeosauer Puzzle
Scrappile and 11 others reacted to Denny Knappen for a topic
A Lambeosauer Puzzle by Judy and Dave Peterson found in their book, Making Wooden Dinosaur Toys and Puzzles. Cut from 3/4" Poplar. Cut on the Pegas Scroll Saw using Pegas #5R MGT blades. After a light sanding, dipped in diluted Shellac, and after dried, another light sanding. Several pieces are really small. Comments welcome.12 points -
Welcome Gnome
meflick and 11 others reacted to don in brooklin on for a topic
This a Steve Good design modified to have only 2 people as we are empty nesters. I also enlarged. This was supposed to go the door to our garden. I was going to paint but ended up using some left over cedar fence and deck board. I was testing painting and nothing would pop. The red and white were really dull no matter how many coats. I even tried primer with some success. Going to too much work. BUT - my wife said she really liked it the ways so I just finished with spray on spar varnish.12 points -
12 points
12 points
12 points
Taylor Swift
danny and 11 others reacted to Mike Crosa for a topic
12 points -
Ok, this is not for the FB February/March PAM, but it is an Umbrella Girl anyhow. I found this slightly risk-kay, un-titled, different, Stain Glass pattern that I’m calling ‘Umbrella Girl Embarrassing Moment’. I adapted the Stain Glass pattern for Intarsia, creating a nominal 11” x 16” pattern which includes the fixed frame. Wood used: Aspen, Alder, Blue Pine, Orange Osage, Poplar, Roasted Birch, Sapele, and Walnut (Frame). My supply of Blue Pine is not Blue at all, but it’s areas of near Whites, Pinks and Grays made a decent sky while I found a fairly Geen piece of Poplar for the water. The wood used for the beach has a defect and the white Aspen for the lower part of the dress has dark areas, enhanced by the finish, that were not removable by sanding. Both, much more noticeable in the photo than when viewed hanging on the wall. Finish is multiple coats of rattle can Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish spray. Comments and critiques are allways welcome.11 points
11 points
11 points
10 points
A bit easier, maybe, than my first (tree of life). Doing this for a niece’s wedding. Still need to finish the date. The initials and the date came from enlarging their announcement. Found the rings pic and traced it and made it scrollable. Doing this with #5 skip tooth blade. Drilled #58 (.043) holes. Cut on the Bauer 22” saw. A bit tight but working well so far. Thanks for looking. Comments, advice always welcome.10 points
10 points
9 points
On The Bench - Scroll Saw Challenge
barb.j.enders and 8 others reacted to Gonzo for a topic
Black walnut bowl. Carol Rothman pattern, same book as ScrollerPete’s project. Bowl pattern is 8”x8”x3/4”. What I like about this, is there is no scrap at all, just the sawdust from the kurf of the blade, which happens to be a Pegas MGT#9. Oh and I suppose the scrap on the perimeter of the bowl. Lots of shaping/forming, (read sanding). A lot of fun to make. I plan on finishing it with shellac using the the French polish method. However, I don’t have the guts to attempt what ScrollerPete is doing. One of these days Pete, one of these days.9 points -
On The Bench - Scroll Saw Challenge
JJB and 8 others reacted to RabidAlien for a topic
Been some rough days around the household and the office for a while, so I haven't done as much sawdusting as I'd like. Had John 3:16 on the saw for a while now, so this weekend, to get the motivation back (as well as needing some more bookmarks....never can have enough bookmarks!!) I grabbed a couple of quick cuts from the Pattern Library (maybe one or two from Google), resized for the bookmark blanks that I have, and knocked a couple out. Still have several more to cut today, but this is what's in-progress. I've been using one of the blanks with a really intricate wolf head cut in it, and9 points -
9 points
I finally did it!!!
crupiea and 8 others reacted to jerry walters for a topic
Yesterday I was working on a project to get started scrolling again. A fairly simple project with compound cutting. Compound cutting went fine. The final step was a simple base on 1/2 inch wood. Got everything set up and when I started scrolling wood started bouncing. Was bouning so hard pinced my finger between the wood and scroll saw table. Since the part I was cutting is fairly small decided to just hold down the piece with my hands. Finished cutting and starting looking. First thing I looked at was the blade, discovered I had the blade in UPSIDE DOWN. First time I ever did that and I have been scrolling for 20 years. One of the last things I normally do is when I install is new blade is to run my thumb up the blade to make sure the teeth are pointed down. Didn't do it this time. Lesson learned. Jerry9 points -
Leopard finally framed up
goldfish and 8 others reacted to wagner1958 for a topic
Cut from 1/2 inch cherry with the frame made out of ash . i love my scroll saw but the other tool I find really handy is my drum sander. I ran this project thru my Supermax drum sander probably about 10 times and it did not break a whisker or a blade of grass. In a honest moment I will tell you there is a couple blades of grass missing but that would be labeled scroll saw operator error9 points -
Tropical Paradise REVISED - Intarsia
heppnerguy and 8 others reacted to FrankEV for a topic
I adapted a free image of a metal wall hanging to create a nom 10 ½” x 14” Intarsia pattern. Wood used: Aspen, Basswood, Poplar (textured with a wire wheel and enhanced with Green Acrylic paint applied with an Air Brush), Padauk, Walnut, Wenge, Yellowheart, and a Tan mystery wood for the island. The backer is a nominal 5/8” thick Premium Pine panel that was lightly painted using an Air Brush to create a sea to sky background while allowing some of the strong Pine grain to show through. The rails of the Walnut fixed frame are 1 ½” wide forming a 15” x 19” panel. Finish is rattle can spray Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish. Comments and critiques are always welcome. EDIT 2: Yep the sun WAS in the water!!!!! Did not see it until I looked at the original photo with this post. The glue had not curred fully and I was able to remove the sun completely without much visable damage to the background. I'll be deleting the sun from the pattern. With my interpretation of the Island, I feel it is no longer needed. Kind of looked wrong even without the colored background.9 points -
Need some advice on scroll saw cougar
Roberta Moreton and 8 others reacted to Dan for a topic
BTW,this is probably the only place someone will ask for a close-up of your crack.9 points -
Four more Miniature Birdhouse Ornaments
barb.j.enders and 7 others reacted to Denny Knappen for a topic
Four more Miniature Birdhouse Ornaments designed by the late Diana Thompson. I used Eastern Red Cedar for the birdhouses and Spectraply for the little birds. Cut on the Pegas Scroll Saw using Pegas #3 Super Skip blades for the little birder and Pegas #6 Super Skip blades for the birdhouses. After a light sanding with a Mac Mop, dipped in diluted Shellac, another light sanding, and a final dip. Comments welcome.8 points -
On The Bench - Scroll Saw Challenge
barb.j.enders and 7 others reacted to TAIrving for a topic
8 points -
On The Bench - Scroll Saw Challenge
Fab4 and 7 others reacted to scrollerpete for a topic
8 points -
On The Bench - Scroll Saw Challenge
JackJones and 7 others reacted to barb.j.enders for a topic
8 points