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    Denny Knappen

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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/07/2025 in all areas

  1. Denny Knappen

    Bayou Blue Heron

    Bayou Blue Heron pattern by Judy Gale Roberts and found in the current issue of SWWC. I used 1/2" Red Oak and backed with mat board. Cut in the Pegas Scroll Saw using Pegas #3 MGT blades. After sanding, dipped in diluted Shellac and after drying, one coat of spray Lacquer Clear Satin. Comments welcome.
    17 points
  2. Fish

    Oak and walnut

    The oak was more from an old yard fence a friend gave me. The whole privacy fence is oak. I used 321 but had to sand the cross down because you couldn’t see it. I then used semigloss poly. My wife did the finish for me. The walnut was a piece of scrap a friend gave me. My wife drew the pattern for me and did the finish w poly. We’ve been working on a bunch of stuff for the store where we sell for consignment. Thanks for looking.
    13 points
  3. Here is a second Steve Shears hummingbird. It has been reduced in size from the original. It is maybe 6" long. Because of that I grouped a couple of the wing bits. Woods used are Quilted Maple, Yellowheart, Canarywood, Eucalyptus, Tigerwood, Lacewood, ebonized Walnut. Finish is a coat of Walrus oil. I am disappointed in the lacewood. I was hoping for more grain showing.
    12 points
  4. Well I finished the birdhouses yesterday. Not sure if i.m going to put string on them to hang up or just leave them the way they are.
    10 points
  5. Phdesigns

    Second project

    A bit easier, maybe, than my first (tree of life). Doing this for a niece’s wedding. Still need to finish the date. The initials and the date came from enlarging their announcement. Found the rings pic and traced it and made it scrollable. Doing this with #5 skip tooth blade. Drilled #58 (.043) holes. Cut on the Bauer 22” saw. A bit tight but working well so far. Thanks for looking. Comments, advice always welcome.
    10 points
  6. alexfox

    Mechanical bee

    My latest pattern and project - Mechanical bee. 4 layers 1/8 inch, project size is 9,5 x 6 inches. Left one is photo of my project, right - 3D visualisation to show how it look like using 2 types of wood or stain Video of mkaing project Mechanical bee pattern
    10 points
  7. Fish

    Deer hunting

    Cut using live edge walnut. I’ll probably sell it. I don’t hunt deer but I liked how it turned out. Finished with semi gloss poly.
    9 points
  8. Black walnut bowl. Carol Rothman pattern, same book as ScrollerPete’s project. Bowl pattern is 8”x8”x3/4”. What I like about this, is there is no scrap at all, just the sawdust from the kurf of the blade, which happens to be a Pegas MGT#9. Oh and I suppose the scrap on the perimeter of the bowl. Lots of shaping/forming, (read sanding). A lot of fun to make. I plan on finishing it with shellac using the the French polish method. However, I don’t have the guts to attempt what ScrollerPete is doing. One of these days Pete, one of these days.
    9 points
  9. Been some rough days around the household and the office for a while, so I haven't done as much sawdusting as I'd like. Had John 3:16 on the saw for a while now, so this weekend, to get the motivation back (as well as needing some more bookmarks....never can have enough bookmarks!!) I grabbed a couple of quick cuts from the Pattern Library (maybe one or two from Google), resized for the bookmark blanks that I have, and knocked a couple out. Still have several more to cut today, but this is what's in-progress. I've been using one of the blanks with a really intricate wolf head cut in it, and
    9 points
  10. Just finished preparing the wood for all my Mini birdhouses. Also I just got some special pen blanks that Denny turned me on to for all the little birds. Can't wait to try them out.
    9 points
  11. rdatelle

    Mini Birdhouses

    Well I just finished cutting out 14 Birdhouses and birds with the new pen blanks that Denny told me about. Just have to give them a little sanding cut the perches, glue them on and a couple coats of varnish. I'll put them on again when there all done.
    8 points
  12. Here are two lighthouses. Cut from cedar with a #5 ultra reverse blade. Thanks to @don in brooklin onfor help on the patterns. Apples also cut from the cedar. Birdhouses were cut from unknown wood, but probably spruce. It was a piece of post/rail material. Finish is one coat of Garnet Shellac.
    8 points
  13. Four more Miniature Birdhouse Ornaments designed by the late Diana Thompson. I used Eastern Red Cedar for the birdhouses and Spectraply for the little birds. Cut on the Pegas Scroll Saw using Pegas #3 Super Skip blades for the little birder and Pegas #6 Super Skip blades for the birdhouses. After a light sanding with a Mac Mop, dipped in diluted Shellac, another light sanding, and a final dip. Comments welcome.
    8 points
  14. Hummingbird Finding Nectar intarsia pattern by Frank. All pieces cut, now ready to start sanding/shaping. Woods used include Yellowheart, Mexican Persimmon, Cherry, Walnut, and mystery wood.
    8 points
  15. Yes, sir, it's beautiful early spring weather. But as always, we get this nice weather early, things start budding out, and then the freeze comes. Never fails. Anyway, it has really put me in a Spring mood. So I saw this H. Botas pattern. It was so springy that I had to cut it. I'm about 2/3rds done. Maybe can finish cutting it today. I should be outside doing Spring clean up.
    8 points
  16. Got a few things on the go, Ying Yang box from Sheila Landry and also planing on making the “Dizzy” bowl from Carole Rothman
    8 points
  17. Got these done on Thursday. Pattern help from @don in brooklin on and @Fab4. Cut from leftover Cedar rail material. Finish is Walrus Oil.
    8 points
  18. Finished cutting, now on to painting and staining. I'll put this on the back burner untill the weather warms up a bit more.
    7 points
  19. The third project, a test to see how far I can push myself and the material. This will be a decorative coffee cup wrap. 1/8" basswood cut with 2/0 FD Polar blades, speed reduced to 800 for control. The tail is 14 1/2" long and should wrap around the cup 2 times. This is a decorative piece and is intended to be for a cool display only, far to fragile to actually use.
    6 points
  20. Second project, a smallish plaque with a coyote howling at the moon. Forget to add info on the first project, I switched back to the long stroke on the Hegner, I just couldn't get it to cut the 7/16 plywood on the short stroke. For this project the plaque was 1/8" plywood so I switched back to the short stroke. I used 2/0 FD Polar blades and reduced the speed to 1000, my usual speed is 1400. This one's going on the back burner as well, I need temps in the 60's to be able to stain outside and let most of the solvent evaporate before bringing it back in to allow the stain to cure fully.
    6 points
  21. 6 points
  22. Fishnet. 36,5 x 45,2 cm, these are the first 6 pieces. Of 108. As usual, cut with a handheld fretsaw, as usual, the board is too big, but this time it's also too big for my cutting table. Fun times ahead
    6 points
  23. Yesterday I was working on a project to get started scrolling again. A fairly simple project with compound cutting. Compound cutting went fine. The final step was a simple base on 1/2 inch wood. Got everything set up and when I started scrolling wood started bouncing. Was bouning so hard pinced my finger between the wood and scroll saw table. Since the part I was cutting is fairly small decided to just hold down the piece with my hands. Finished cutting and starting looking. First thing I looked at was the blade, discovered I had the blade in UPSIDE DOWN. First time I ever did that and I have been scrolling for 20 years. One of the last things I normally do is when I install is new blade is to run my thumb up the blade to make sure the teeth are pointed down. Didn't do it this time. Lesson learned. Jerry
    6 points
  24. Fish

    Cherry cross and #300

    I found another pattern I really liked. I cut it in cherry. I was going to sell it but decided to keep it. The smaller oak cross is the 300th cross I’ve made in my years. I started with a scroll saw in 1992. My dad bought one and got me started on it. Thanks for looking.
    6 points
  25. An Alex Fox Basket PatternC17 modified. I used 1/4" Beech 8" square. Cut on the Pegas Scroll Saw using Pegas #1 MGT blades. After a light sanding each ring with a Mac Mop, glue each ring with time between gluing rings. One coat of spray Shellac, another light sanding with a Mac Mop and a final coat of spray Lacquer Clear Gloss. Comments welcome.
    5 points
  26. Ok, this is not for the FB February/March PAM, but it is an Umbrella Girl anyhow. I found this slightly risk-kay, un-titled, different, Stain Glass pattern that I’m calling ‘Umbrella Girl Embarrassing Moment’. I adapted the Stain Glass pattern for Intarsia, creating a nominal 11” x 16” pattern which includes the fixed frame. Wood used: Aspen, Alder, Blue Pine, Orange Osage, Poplar, Roasted Birch, Sapele, and Walnut (Frame). My supply of Blue Pine is not Blue at all, but it’s areas of near Whites, Pinks and Grays made a decent sky while I found a fairly Geen piece of Poplar for the water. The wood used for the beach has a defect and the white Aspen for the lower part of the dress has dark areas, enhanced by the finish, that were not removable by sanding. Both, much more noticeable in the photo than when viewed hanging on the wall. Finish is multiple coats of rattle can Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish spray. Comments and critiques are allways welcome.
    5 points
  27. Currently on the saw, and almost done, this is a combination of two patterns. The bear and mountains are from a pattern by Robb Barr with scroll saw adaptation by Patty Beach, the paw prints are from a different bear pattern by Patty Beach. 7/16" plywood plaque 9 layers thick. FD Polar #1 blades mostly.
    5 points
  28. BadBob

    Goodell's Treadle Lathe

    I ran across this in another forum and thought it might be of interest.
    4 points
  29. A Lambeosauer Puzzle by Judy and Dave Peterson found in their book, Making Wooden Dinosaur Toys and Puzzles. Cut from 3/4" Poplar. Cut on the Pegas Scroll Saw using Pegas #5R MGT blades. After a light sanding, dipped in diluted Shellac, and after dried, another light sanding. Several pieces are really small. Comments welcome.
    4 points
  30. Just to clarify: This is segmentation, so those 108 pieces have to be cut out, sanded and glued individually.
    4 points
  31. Charlie E

    Comfort Birds

    Tried something new today. Comfort Birds. I started with a compound cut bird then used some different sanders to do the rounding and shaping. They feel great in your hand. I enjoyed carrying mine today while walking and reading. Kind of like a soothing fidget toy.
    4 points
  32. "Boba Fett" 44,5cm x 62cm, backer board 8mm, Boba 4mm, 'cheap' DIY store ply, done with a hand held fretsaw with a #3 blade.
    4 points
  33. I just want to give a Thank You Shout out to Sue Mey. She went above and beyond. Thanks Sue. Mike
    3 points
  34. Made one of there is a physically challenged child confined to wheelchair will sand bottom of large wheels rounder
    3 points
  35. Scrappile

    Looking for a pattern

    It is in this one of her books. I see it on eBay for $4.39 and up in price. I purchased the book several years ago to build the little Merry-Go-Round. Got it all cut out and ready to apply a finish, assemble, and figure out how to mount the little music box I got for it. Unfortunately, the little girl I was building it for is too old now to care about it.
    3 points
  36. I make a lot of birdhouses also. I have many of the patterns in your picture(Sue Mey?), but you have some that are different. Curious as to where to get them.
    3 points
  37. now you have jinxed yourself.
    3 points
  38. I'm not an artist just a weekend wood warrior I can make planters and spray them but trying to simulate a hairy furry doggie is out of my league i I can respray them brown and someone else can paint face it can hold an 8 to 9 inch potted plant
    3 points
  39. We all do this, but usually don't admit it publicly. I set up a saw for a student once, and wondered why he had not made any progress when I checked back. I had put the blade in backwards so no teeth in his cutting direction. Putting them in upside down is easy to do for me now when using the very fine blades, so I have learned to slide my finger along them to see which way the teeth point as they are being installed. "Old eyes" can't see the teeth of the finer blades unless with magnification any more. Charley
    3 points
  40. I received the pen blanks from Cousineau yesterday and had to cut some little birds. I cut a 4 little birds from the Spectraply. I received different color 20 pieces 3/4” x 3/4” x 5”, enough to make 4 birds from each piece. This makes the cost 25 cents per bird. Oh, what fun.
    2 points
  41. Nice compound cutting. If you need another lighthouse, here is the plans for one I have been going to try, I would like to figure how to put a little LED light in it. Make a cool night light. https://jeplans.com/Catalog/Catalog2.php?targp=JECAT&JECAT=CompoundScrolling
    2 points
  42. Don't know if it were these exact lighthouses, but Sue Mey had some in the scroll saw magazine a couple of years ago. I did one for my aunt who loves lighthouses.
    2 points
  43. Bamboo is a material that I love for cutting when I can get it. I loved this Leopard pattern, of which I can not remember who designed it but I would love to that the author of it for making it available. The bamboo is about 3/8 thick and cuts very nicely with no fuzzies from drilling of cutting. I cut it with a #1 Pegas spiral blade because it goes so much quicker and a lot easier to do than a straight blade. I sprayed it with 3 layers of Deft semi gloss. I am constantly looking for somewhere to purchase the Bamboo wood at the size and thickness I want to use. It seems to be a little difficult to find around Phoenix but I know it has to be here waiting for me to make a purchase. I used a 1/4 inch BB Ply for the backer board. I cut this a couple of weeks ago but have not gotten around to taking a photo and posting it until now. Dick heppnerguy
    2 points
  44. @Fish Very well done!!! The fence wood looks as though it was waiting for someone to notice the beauty in it, you have a great eye. Rick
    2 points
  45. I agree 100% I have purchased many patterns from her fully satisfied
    2 points
  46. Thanks Chelcas! I'm not sure how to get in touch with them, but its a great idea! I'll check out.
    2 points
  47. Thanks! I bought that book. It has some great sets, its just not what I am looking for.
    2 points
  48. Thanks to all. I now have the pattern in hand. SSV comes through again!
    2 points
  49. flarud

    Piggy Bank

    Made this Piggy Bank last month and had to wait to see what color it was to be painted. Found out last week it is gonna be a boy. Also got to use my new branding iron. I bought a branding iron thru Rockler years ago, but I'll use this new iron for projects just for the Grandson. I should have used an "X" pattern for the screws holding the acrylic on instead of the "cross" pattern.. that left screw head messes with the look of the eye a little. Working on a wooden rocking horse now for him. I have it temporarily clamped together just to see what it is gonna look like. Everything is cut out and sanded, just need to paint all of the pieces and assemble... then wait about 2 years before he can actually use it!!
    2 points
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