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Showing content with the highest reputation since 10/07/2012 in File Reviews

    We donate all proceeds ( and I mean all) of what we make to the Gary Sinese Foundation... always looking to make more items to help raise monies for them.
    5 points
    Great Patterns, sent my Donation to St Judes Childrens Hospital
    3 points
    What awesome patterns, You all have really outdone yourselves. So many wonderful patterns to choose from. Thank you all so much for your generous contributions. This year we went to the Kent County Animal Shelter and adopts not one but two of their pups. They are semi-feral bonded sisters. they have a long journey ahead of them but they are learning fast that they are now safe and in a loving home. On behalf of Dallas and Sally we thank you.
    3 points
    Some cool new patterns this year. I wont get to cut any this time but see several that I would like to try when I get the chance. As always our donations go to the local food banks. Merry Christmas to all.
    3 points
    I am the president of the Carolina Scrollers of Winston Salem NC. (www.carolinascrollers.com) Our club’s community service focus has been scrolling ornaments in which 100% of the sales is donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank of NC. We kick our annual season off at the annual Klingspor Woodworkers show in Hickory NC. This year we donated $2,213 from this two day show. We will be selling ornaments at the Klingspor shop in Winston Salem from Nov. 29 through Jan 2. We are continually looking for new and different patterns as we have many return customers. Your patterns will be very helpful.
    2 points
    This is very busy time of year for me and I have limited time for creating new patterns, but there are always those late shoppers that want something custom.This is a great addition to anyone's pattern collection, and this Business in a Box is phenomenal. So simple to use. I made 3 patterns in less than 5 minutes.
    2 points
  1. Mijen

    Ornaments For Charity

    Great pieces. going to start making them now. Donations to be made to local Humane Societies and Animal Rescues. Thanks for this.
    2 points
  2. JimErn

    Ornaments For Charity

    Great collection, My charities in no particular order, Toys For Tots, the DAV and VFW
    2 points
    I just had a look at the book and there alot of plans in there that i intend to make for charities and for my children.I would like to thanl you very much for this book.
    2 points
    It was a distinct pleasure to contribute patterns to this project, and it was an hinor to be asked. This is an incredible collection of patterns, sure to please every skill level.
    2 points
    looks good so I give it a 5 rating, and will donate $25.00 to our local food bank for Christmas hampers here in Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada
    2 points
    Very nice patterns for Christmas. I'm going right now to check the donation, which is worth.
    2 points
    Great patterns. I am going to start making the 3D ornaments tomorrow for friends and children. My thaks also to all who participated.
    2 points
  3. dgman

    Ornaments For Charity

    Wow! Some great new patterns for this year. Some easy for beginners and some for experienced cutters! I won’t be able to cut these this year, but I’ll have a head start for next year! thanks to all who participated!
    2 points
    It took me a while to figure out how to use since I am not familiar with Inkscape, however one I did it was easy to personalize the ornaments with my family's names. Thank you for offering it at $10. I wish you were able to do that with the other Christmas kits during this season. Karen
    1 point
    just joined but looks good so far.
    1 point
    here's my first order, just remember that old saying check twice cut once, LOL the last name for the three are Figueroa, not Figueron. they ordered them at a craft fair, gave myself plenty of time. called and told her now I'm do a little extra with epoxy to make up for having her wai
    1 point
    I just spent 10.00 dollars to buy the program but I can not get this to download. The only thing I got was pictures. Am I doing something wrong
    1 point
    The package looks real nice, great designs that should please anyone. Also, the Promotional Banners are desined to be very eye catching. If the previous Business Kits also go on sale, I will be probaly purchase the pet name ornaments. Thank you Travis for everything you do for us. Rick
    1 point
    Once again Travis…you’ve outdone yourself!!! Thanks for your continued work on Christmas ornaments!! Scott
    1 point
    I was wondering why you do not have a little circle on top as you have with the other year's ornaments?
    1 point
    Some great patterns to choose from I will be getting started tomorrow on some.Everything I make goes to my wife for her local Cancer charity she runs (Doncaster Cancer Support) to make money for her to help local Cancer patients.i need to get stuck in to get some more finished in time for her Christmas fund raiser day
    1 point
    Will be making a donation to March of Dimes….great idea! Thanks for all you do!
    1 point
  4. Bobtom

    Ornaments For Charity

    As always Toys for Tots, St Jude Hospital, and Boys Town. So many worthy Charitys, and local food banks. I think you have a great thing going. God bless us all. In the words of Tiny Tim. Bobtom
    1 point
    Great patterns. I found the six that I will copy and cut this year for 2022. My donation will will go to Toys for Tots. Thank you all so much. Blessings. John
    1 point
    What an amazing resource, and all for worthy causes. Thanks to Travis for all the hard work you have put into this over the years, and also to the folks who have included some awesome ornament patterns. We will add an extra $100. tp our annual donation to the Gary Sinise Foundation, a non-profit which builds homes for special needs veterans. Thank you all so much.
    1 point
  5. JRB

    Ornaments For Charity

    Great info, all my scroll work goes to charity auctions and raffles
    1 point
    Just got done downloading the book there is a lot of great patterns we will cut some out this year to donate people love to get xmas ornaments anything we can do to brighten someone days is worth it peace love and happiness
    1 point

    Ornaments For Charity

    Very nice pattern book. My donation went to Philabundance. No one should go hungry! Wonderful idea
    1 point

    Ornaments For Charity

    It's good book
    1 point
    Very nice patterns!
    1 point
    Moving this year. I am planning on cutting patterns over the year and see about giving back to a homeless org and / or woman's shelter in the Kansas City MO area. Beautiful collection of patterns. RJF
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Coop

    Ornaments For Charity

    Looks great, will start cutting this weekend. Great way to help out a charity. Chris Cooper
    1 point
    Thank you so much for this. I used the ornaments from other editions to make and donate 100 ornaments to the local Breast Cancer organizations to use in their gift bags. This is a wonderful Idea and I hope others use the patterns to make a difference for people.
    1 point
    very good idea (Y)
    1 point
    Great patterns and I will be using a few.
    1 point
  10. IvyL

    Ornaments For Charity

    Lovely patterns. I'm a volunteer with Veterans in Communities in England. I make these to help raise funds for the charity. I do have to slightly alter some as I hand fret saw and some of the detail is too fine, but keep the patterns coming
    1 point
  11. 1 point
    Very impressive. My wife has Dementia. I will most certainly make a donation to Dementia Support.
    1 point
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