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Found 2 results

  1. Fairly new scroll sawyer. Have RBI Hawk model 226 Ultra purchased back in 2003. Of all of that time much of it with the scroll saw doing nothing but sitting. Wanting to get back into it. I am an optometrist getting ready to retire on the 1st of December this year, and will have lots of time on my hands. Only problem now is I have a scroll saw that is under the weather so to speak. I think I managed to botch up or lose a part to the rear tensioning assembly and I am badly in need of help. This is one of the reasons for my joining your group. I live in Southern California in the Community of Trilogy in Corona. Cell phone (texting or phoning) (951)907-4708 e-mail: docjosh@msn.com would be anxious to hear from someone who can help Thanks in advance
  2. Just ordered my first scroll saw as i wanted to have a go at it, the saw i have started with is a FERM-400R not a really expensive bit of kit but some thing to start with. I found this site quiet by chance and wondered if anyone can advise me on the type of spray adhesive to use to attach patterns to my wood
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