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  1. Hey everyone. I hope you're all doing well and keeping the sawdust flying. Not so in our household at the moment...my saw has given up on me! I was working on some of my favourites (Shelia Landry's Ornamental Bird Cages) - when I heard the dreaded "CLUNK!". The threads have gone on one of the brackets that hold the blade tensioner rod. The saw is (or was) a Scheppach deco flex - multi speed, and really has been under a lot of pressure over the last few months. It is a great saw, but as it was my first (and only an entry level) so it's time to say goodbye. I don't have any involvement with money at all (my wife deals with everything - I don't handle materialism very well). I always think of how much something could benefit someone else who has nothing - but on this occasion, due to the fact that my workload has increased quite drastically, it seems that I need something that will be able to handle the abuse. So...tears shed for the Scheppach and downtime, but....slight grin from me as my EX-21 is about to be ordered. So - just to be clear...it's not you're fault Shelia (your cages are a favourite in my town. I still love em' and could cut them all day!) Photo's show what's done up to now (I always stack cut plenty of birds) and I'll continue when the newest addition arrives. Kindest Regards, Nick.
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