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  • ArtCrafters

    Supplier: ArtCrafters

    Website: http://ArtCraftersOnline.com

    Shipping Location: Pegas Saw drop ship. Other supplied TN

    International Shipping?: No

    Products: Scroll Saws, Replacement Parts & Accessories, Blades

    Supplier Info:

    Email address is artcraftersscrollsaw@gmail.com


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       1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

    Highly recommend.  Ordered Pegas blades on Monday morning received them Tuesday afternoon.

    Dave Monk

       1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

    I highly recommend ArtCrafters if you are in the market for Pegas Blades. Great price and fast service. 

    Joe W.

    · Edited by Joe W.


    I saw  Denny's Feb 26th post - Dozen Packs @ 1/2 gross price, checked my supply and decided one can never have enough blades.
    Called Denny, placed an order March the 2nd for a dozen packs and they arrived today March 5th. 
    The combination of good blades, well packaged, prompt service and delivery makes for a 5 star rating in my book.  

    Wooden Lace


    I purchased a supply of Pegas Modified Geometry blades and was very pleased with the service.  Price was good to start with, and the January special was free shipping, so that makes it even better.  Blades were well packaged and arrived in great shape in just a few days.  I'll be back next time I'm running low.

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