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Found 1 result

  1. This may be off topic, but hey, it doesn't say (The Wooden) Scroll Saw Village... Has anyone any experience with scroll sawing aluminium? I'm thinking of basic grade sheet stuff, perhaps just a few millimeters thick. This would be for things like decorative grills, gratings, silhouettes etc. A lot of for wood tungsten carbide tooling works on aluminium too. Do you use lube or protection (such as clamping between ply sheets)? I've tried it without both and it can be done, and it's typical to jig saw aluminium anyway. It gives a reasonable finish and you can then sand /file the edges. Have no idea of blade life though. If they're made of HSS then that's no different to cheap hacksaws and drills. My saw only takes those pinned blades so they might be stronger than the professional flat ended ones but isn't strength only a corollary to feed rate? Any experiences to share..?
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