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  1. Hello everyone!!! First of all, i want to wish you all a happy 2019, and i´m glad to start it with one of the toughest projects that I recently made: this Game of Thrones Backgammon. I played with the lines of the wood, the box it´s made from pine and plywood, and the board it´s from inked plywood: walnut, oak and the natural colour of the plywood. I cutted every single piece, and glue back together in the box. In the outside, I cutted the logos of two houses from the TV show "Game of Thrones": the house Stark and the house Lannister, next to their respective slogans, inked in walnut. The wolf is, literally, a puzzle, and i´m proud of the result. Finally, I pyrograph the surname of the friend for which the game was in the side of the box, and I made the dice of bets too with the same technique. I hope you like it, and I send all of you my best wishes for this new year.
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