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Found 3 results

  1. Here is my current system for drying small to medium parts. The rack folds to a very small footprint, they can be stacked for addition drying space. Once the finish is not tacky I'll set them out where the air flow is better than the shop.
  2. I have been cutting between 1 and 3 puzzles at a time and haphazardly drying them above a painters tray on a plastic grid thing I recycled from somewhere. I dip (usually a plastic bag), wait 30 minutes, dip again, wait about 15 minutes, then wipe clean and allow to finish curing, usually flipping once or twice to minimize marks and sticking. I probably need to branch out beyond danish oil one day, but it worked and I am a creature of habit. I am now seeing the value in dipping or finishing more puzzles at one time and am curious how everyone else dries multiple puzzles or projects for efficiency. I have only had a few lines in the finish due to the rack which cleaned up okay, but I would love to do a better job, more efficient job, of handling more projects at once. Any advice or tips would be appreciated.
  3. Hi All. Visited a friend to cut up some kindling wood for the pensioners in the area and notice this piece I think it's beech but not sure, So the question is what would you do to dry it out and reduce the splitting not forgetting it is soaked. This is beautiful it will be worth waiting for. Roly
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