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  1. I wanted the opinions of other scrollers on the pros and cons of the Flying Dutchman Ultra Reverse. I have been using the Flying Dutchman Polar and New Spiral blades for years and years. Depending on the project, I use Polar #3, #5, & #7 and New Spiral #1 & #3. I like how tough they are, how fast I can cut with them and how I can get good cutting time on each blade. The negative - in my mind - is the amount of rip out and fuzzies which need burning and sanding to get rid of. Based on a recommendation, I bought some Flyng Dutchman Ultra Reverse #3 and #5. The good points of the Ultra Reverse is how clean it cuts - no rip out or fuzzies - and how tight I can cut on delicut sections. The negatives are that they cut slower and dull faster then the Polar. I think I will treat them like a specialty tool that I only use in specific situations. As I see it the Polar is a tough blade that has good cutting time but creates rip outs and the Ultra Reverse is a blade that cuts very cleanly and has great control in tight designs but only lasts half the time of an equal size Polar. Is the need to sand extensively worth the cost of using twice as many blades? I am not sure if I am expecting too much from these blades. I will state that I cut aggresively, I stack cut 4 or 5 pieces of 1/8th inch Baltic Birch because I generally cut 10 to 15 of each design in order to have pieces for the art shows I do. Does anybody else have an opinion of the Ultra Reverse? Thanks, Mike
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