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Found 4 results

  1. Hello forum, This has been talked about and discussed many times but I can't find it: I used BLO 50/50 and have been waiting for that piece to lose the smell of that 1 coat but it still smells Can I spray oil base lacquer as final finish. This is for indoor use. Tha is a lot Sam
  2. The good news is that I've been commissioned to created a welcome sign for someone. The bad news is that they want it as an outdoor sign on 3/4 inch thick Curly Maple. I've done 1 outdoor sign in the past (for myself) and it faded horribly within the first 6 months. Can someone please let me know what finish or sealant or combo I should use to make sure this sign looks amazing but is protected and retains its Curly Maple glory?? All help is appreciated as always!
  3. Hello all, How fast does BLO dry? and can it be the final finish. I know this has been discussed in a lot of detail but I would rather not get into mixing of BLO and other spirits. I would appreciate any advice on this Thank you all Sam
  4. Hi all, Seeking some advice around finishing. I have a coaster set I am doing and I'd like to apply Danish oil on it first and then put a clear coat of poly after. Looking for suggestions surrounding the application process. There are a lot of internal cuts and therefore a lot of nooks and crannies. I'd like to be able to get all the internal cuts with oil that way it's not a big deal if I miss them with the poly spray. I saw one idea to soak it in a small bowl of oil wax mix but I feel like that's a lot of oil going to waste and might not dry properly. Other than applying the oil to the nooks with a small brush I'm out of ideas. Thoughts. Thanks Tom
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