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  1. I thought I had the Hawk trimmed out to it's lowest aggression setting, at least according to what I thought was factory default. When I tried to cut a coin, I had so much blade travel I couldn't see the lines. You ever have that rotten feeling in your stomach when something is wrong that you might not be able to fix? So I tried another approach to tuning it. Since the Hawk can run so very slowly, I could actually put the tool in the lower adjustment, and tune it while the saw was running. (I'm sure this isn't supported) There for a minute, I didn't think it was going to work, but then all the sudden, the saw fell into an almost motionless setting. You can imagine my relief. Anyway, of all my saws, the Hawk is the only one capable of being tuned on the Fly. The EX can sort of do this too, but you have to loosen the motor bolts, so I'm thinking that doesn't count.
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