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Found 6 results

  1. Here's my latest video tutorial. This time, I'm using Inkscape to prepare an oversized pattern for printing. The pattern was kindly provided by our one and only Christina. Thanks Christina! There are times when we want to print a pattern that is larger than a standard sheet of paper. Whether it be for a large fretwork project, intarsia, lath art, or yard art, Inkscape makes it easy. The video goes over importing a pattern, resizing, cleaning up the pattern, adding registration marks, and finally printing! Enjoy the show!
  2. Hi All, Just learned something new, and I've been playing with computers for a long time. Inkscape can import CDR files. Not only that, you can change the colour if they are hard to see, resize so they'll fit on the page (best to do the whole import so you'll get multiple pages) and ungroup everything. Then it's just a matter of fitting everything onto the page and Save As(I've been saving as PDF). There are heaps of free CDR files out there, like here: https://3axis.co/ So if you're looking for something new give it a shot.
  3. I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask an Inkscape question. I am trying to get a split letter font to work. Can the following be done in Inkscape (please see the attached image). There is a program called "silhouette" which can be used to cut the image of the font I am attaching. So my question is: can this be done in Inkscape? Thank you all Sam
  4. I'm doing an Inkscape video series on Scroll Saw Goodies. This first video explains what Inkscape is and how to get it. I go through and prepare a downloaded pattern (kindly provided by Clayton!) for printing. I do this technique each and every time I print a pattern and it works really well for me. Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be glad to help. Enjoy!
  5. This is my first cut from a pattern I made in Inkscape. A little rough but a good learning lesson. Made with1/4" birch plywood with a painted hardboard backer and oak frame. I used an Olson 5R blade. I'm continually amazed at the intricacy achieved by many of you and hope to improve with time. Larry
  6. Not sure if this is the appropriate discussion area for this, but here goes. I am an Apple Mac user and have been attempting to better myself in Inkscape. Yesterday I upgraded my operating system to Yosemite. Apparently it's the latest and greatest. Unfortunately for me, the result of this upgrade was that I can no longer run Inkscape. I downloaded the program again from the Inkscape web site, but it still wouldn't run. Then I noticed that X11 wasn't appearing so I went to their website and attempted to download the program. I got a message saying I needed OS 7. I'm using OS 10.10. Don't know what to do next. This was the wrong time of year for a software malfunction. Is there anyone out there who might be able to help? Thanks, Jim
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