Angel Fish, a Steve Bundred pattern, is the January 2025 FB PAM.
The two-part vertically stacked assembly measures 10 ½” x 10”. Wood used were Padauk, Yellowheart and Purpleheart along with 1/8” BB Ply backers and some scrap Pine shim blocks. Since I did not have the correct size Fostner bits and I do not own any plug cutters, the round eye details were difficult to do, so I cheated and used black paint for the centers. The completed assembly was protected with multiple coats of Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish spray.
I started this project on January 1, but because the temperatures here in Central Florida have been so cool this month, and my little heater in my shop just can’t keep up, daily shop time has been very limited. Also, the three woods used were all very hard, especially the Purpleheart, and the cutting was very, very slow. I dulled and/or broke way too many Pegas #3 MGT-R blades cutting this project.
Comments and Critiques always welcome.