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Found 1 result

  1. So, had a friend said he might be able to use the 14" Hegner, and I was excited to get rid of it, so I shipped it out a few days ago. So with one saw removed from the stable . . . . .I've been looking for a good portable saw to use at the store, sales booth, or whatever. At the end of the day, for what I do, I don't really have a lot of choices as I don't believe anything besides a parallel link saw is going to work for my style/type of cutting. That brings the field down really really quickly. I was curious if the 16 inch King/Excalibur would have vibration low enough to be useable without the stand, so I drove down to Woodcraft to see if they would plug it in so I could see for myself. Well . . . . . . I now have a King 16". It is still heavier/more awkward than I would like, but I believe it is my smallest viable option and it runs reasonably smooth without the stand. I'm playing with it a bit, but it should be ready for primetime when I have to work the store this weekend.
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