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Found 2 results

  1. I discovered this when attending a class at Judy Gale Roberts' studio last month and fell in love with it right away. I purchased one from Judy and go can do so too. Here is a link: https://intarsia.com/collections/hardware/products/new-led-daylight-slimline-magnifying-lamp I have owned a light and magnifier for many years, but never got the magnifying part to work to my satisfaction. Along the way, I have tried out a few others, but did not like them either. It was really easy to set up. The time it took me from when I started too open the box to when I was making use of the light/magifier was less than 5 minutes. Here is a photo, I took yesterday of the thing in use: I highly highly recommend this light/magnifier. It is already making my scrolling better and easier.
  2. Hello, I was looking for suggestions on getting a magnifying light for my scroll saw. My eyes aren't what they used to be so I feel the need for one. All ideas are welcome. Thoughts?
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