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Found 1 result

  1. rjR

    Old horse

    I am a little late on this one. It was made 36+ years ago now for my oldest grandson's 1st birthday. Neighbor had given me the pattern. Made from purchased pine. Cut on one of the old tin-Dremels, that I had bought used! Strained the saw- cutting the rockers as a pair -- I remember a lot of sanding and filing away to get it even close to useable. The picture is after a factory rebuild in the 90's sometime. It had sat outside through a couple of CA rainy winters because of space for storage issues at the time. I now build much better rocking toys. Second picture is alpaca that i made about 2 years ago. I do have much better tools now and the difference shows on close examination. I might even be a little more skilled at cutting also. IMG_2246.CR2 IMG_2245.CR2 IMG_2245.CR2 IMG_2246.CR2
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