This is my first intarsia, my second and my third. By that I mean every piece was cut at least twice, some three times and some I just said good enough. Lots of errors, but I enjoyed the trip. Well be doing more in the future, time allowing.
Made this for my Granddaughter, a nurse at Providence Hospital in Portland, Ore. She is doing very well for herself. Less than a year there and they have already asked her to be a Charge Nurse. Not real sure what that means but sounds good. Needless to say, Grandpa is very proud of her. The snakes and feathers are Canary wood, the upright, inlay and backer boarder is Black Walnut and the light brown is Monkey Pod. The white pieces are casein, which is a product made from milk protien. It is beautiful makes great pens. I put a picture here so you can see what it look like.