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  1. About 10 AM this morning; I was asked if I had anything for a house warming for some friends; by my son , that we live with. Well, I did not! A little head scratching etc.-the result is in the picture! So, back to the "drawing board????" Anyway-- well, I really do very seldom do much on paper. The lettering was done from pencil guide lines then lettered-partly sanded off then redrawn and "winged-it". The woodburnign was a very round point. Cedar is hard to burn evenly, though. I also clean the point very often on sandpaper scraps. If you can identify the car---Make--year; I did my job well! The puppies probably will NOT get it! Some of us old dogs, it is pretty easy! The pattern? was made from a stock photo then modified to show some of the customizations on the car they own!
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