I adapted a free image of a metal wall hanging to create a nom 10 ½” x 14” Intarsia pattern. Wood used: Aspen, Basswood, Poplar (textured with a wire wheel and enhanced with Green Acrylic paint applied with an Air Brush), Padauk, Walnut, Wenge, Yellowheart, and a Tan mystery wood for the island. The backer is a nominal 5/8” thick Premium Pine panel that was lightly painted using an Air Brush to create a sea to sky background while allowing some of the strong Pine grain to show through. The rails of the Walnut fixed frame are 1 ½” wide forming a 15” x 19” panel. Finish is rattle can spray Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish.
Comments and critiques are always welcome.
EDIT 2: Yep the sun WAS in the water!!!!! Did not see it until I looked at the original photo with this post. The glue had not curred fully and I was able to remove the sun completely without much visable damage to the background. I'll be deleting the sun from the pattern. With my interpretation of the Island, I feel it is no longer needed. Kind of looked wrong even without the colored background.