We are heading into a political season here in the US. I'm sure it's not surprise to you that politics is a seriously divisive topic. I just want to remind everybody that political discussions and debates are not allowed on SSV. Politics is the quickest way to ruin friendships we've tried so hard to create. If you want to ruin friendships, Facebook is the place you want. If you want to talk about making sawdust, SSV is the place to be. Here's a few things that ARE NOT allowed:
Inflammatory patterns/cuttings
Political soapboxes discussions
Political hot-button topics
Political Jokes/Cartoons
Political Internet Memes
"I can't believe..." discussions.
(c'mon...you know it when you see it)
Here are a few things that ARE allowed:
Respectful cuttings
Respectful portraits
Respectful patterns
(seeing a theme here?)
This certainly isn't an exhaustive list, but it gives you an idea. Here are the rules regarding politics and religion found in the User Guidelines:
If you have a question regarding the appropriateness of a pattern, cutting, or discussion, let me know. If you see anything that you feel is inappropriate, please flag it and a moderator will take a look.
More Scrolling! A political platform I can stand by.