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  1. I didn't want to hijack someone else's thread, so I brought this here. The program I use is " Big Print " by Wood Gears. I've been using it for several years now and it will easily do what I need. The first pattern I used it on was a Steve Good pattern of an old Ford truck, I enlarged the 8.5 x 11 " pattern to 7' long; about 28 pages all told and the program will add an alignment grid to each page, that really helped. The second pattern was the fancy Welcome sign pattern that I have. The pattern is 5" wide as is and I have some 1/4 " stack that is 4 1/2" wide. I as able to easily resize the pattern to fit my existing stock. And the third use was for compound patterns, When I printed the patterns the first time they printed at 1 3/4" and the stock was 1 1/2". The patterns were "supposed" to print at 1 1/2" but.....computers. Big print solved this issue. I had previously used every graphics package for Linux that I could find an every single one of them had issues printing to a specific size ( GIMP was the worst, 5 different settings, spread all over the place, I was chatting with a GIMP Guru and even she missed a setting, and there is no way to save a "printer configuration file" that could be loaded ahead of printing. With big print I can adjust the printing characteristics for each printer and get the printing accuracy down to a pixel. Normally this is not really necessary but it's nice to know it's there.
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