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Found 1 result

  1. Howdy All. I'm happy to introduce a new section on SSV for Suppliers! This is very similar to our Pattern Shops section. This will be a directory of places to find suppliers of scroll saw supplies. This includes places that sell scroll saws, tools, replacement parts, accessories, scroll saw blades, clock parts, wood parts, hardwoods & plywoods, etc. Each supplier has their own page with useful information, such as Website, location, if they offer international shipping, and an area for additional information customers may find useful. (Shop owners: Add a promo code for an SSV discount so they can track much traffic SSV has sent their way.) And most importantly, it has an area for comments/reviews. So if you have bought a pattern with a supplier, share your experiences with the rest of us. Suppliers list is located under the Resources tab. Check out our growing list. If you don't see your favorite supplier listed, add it by clicking the green button that says "Add new supplier" (Be sure to double-check to make sure it's not there already. We don't want double entries.) If there's missing or wrong information on the supplier's listing, please change change it by clicking the "Update Shop Information" button on that supplier's page. And one last note, many suppliers also offer patterns. If a supplier ONLY offers patterns, please add it to the Pattern Shops list instead. This list is for those who offer scroll saw supplies. Anyway, I hope y'all find this useful. Enjoy!
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