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Found 1 result

  1. I have an order for a set of wedding rings from solid walnut. I have the pattern form Steve Goods site, but shaping the rings by hand is really tedious. So the brain finally kicked in and I thought if I could get a compression plug the right size....nope, too big. So then it hit me that I could make my own, so here goes. I used a#10 x 2" machine screw two washers and two nuts (one for a jam nut). I bought a sponge I thought was a good thickness. I then cut a small piece of sponge (about 1" x 1") and pushed the screw though the center. Set the ring on the sponge, tighten the nuts and voile, a compression mandrel to hold the ring while I shape it. Used a sanding block and chucked the mandrel into a cordless drill. Tomorrow I'll try it on the drill press. I need to make a couple of bracelets as well, tomorrow I'll look for the largest bolt/fender washer combo I can find.
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