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Found 1 result

  1. Occurred to me with vibration as a topic coming up. I have had a private pilot lic. Kind of outside of the field of scroll sawing. I'm one of those people that have to know how things work and have a trail of childhood devices pulled apart, though I spent the rest of my life putting everything together for my family after the fact. Hung around airplane hangers watching the mechanics work of the plane to understand the insides. One requirement for planes is all bolts and nuts have holes in them. A bolt and nut is tightened to a spec and the holes line up, then "safety wire" is put through the hole and other bolt holes or anchor the stop the bolt and nut from twisting. For cars, scrollsaws that have bolts that just won't stay some safety wire and a hole drill through will keep it there until you cut the wire. There is the safety wire and a plier that has a spin knob to twist the wire. There is different sizes of wire and even some jigs to drill right through the nut and bolt. I doubt everyone is going to run out and safety wire everything on their scroll saw, though when you have had enough of a bolt coming out this is one way that keeps planes up and is dependable. Utube link to give some an idea if you haven't heard of it. RJF https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=safetwire+bolts
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