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Found 1 result

  1. you asked for pictures so here goes. now remember I' do easy things so be kind. lol The first one is a squarll ( I work in wood don't ask me to spell to! !) my younger cousin lives in California and someone told me they don't have squarlls there so I figured I d send her one. lol the second one is a clown lamp I made for a coworker years ago. then we have the lucet. you use it with yarn to make bets and such. I made several of these...one for each of my daughters and me and the craft box.lol I made the bag it goes in to.im real big on recycling thus the cow planter, candy dish or what ever. lol I got the patterns for the layered animals from the winterfiels colloction and I make all kinds of things with them.another thing I make with them are banks and pin cousions with a storage airea well somewhere I have a picture of the mouse pin cousin opened but I can't find it right now.lol to open it you just side the hind end up over. theres a dowl pin in the body and the back legs part. my mom asked me to make her a go away sign so that's the last picture. let me know if you wan to see any more.
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