I want to thank everybody for their patience as I whip SSV back into shape after our software move. I've received only positive feedback on the new website. I can already see the benefits of the new software. I love the social interactions and how well all of the sections work together to make a great community experience. I'm still adding features and moving things around, but I think we're off to a great start.
I'd especially like to the following members who pitched in to help offset the costs of the $400 software upgrade. Without them, our new community wouldn't have happened.
don in brooklin on
Please let me know if I missed anybody. Thank you all very much for your help. I couldn't have done it without you.
Naturally, there are ongoing expenses in running SSV, including server rental, domain registration, and software licensing fees. Scroll Saw Village will always remain a free site, but if you'd like to help out, we do have a special offer for supporting members.
SSV Supporters Receive:
No Ads! I'll be removing Google Ads for all supporting members. (Note: This does not include the internal banner ads or ads in the Old Gallery, since that's apart of the old software)
Special Supporter badge below your avatar in forum posts.
500 Stored Personal Messages (normal members get 50)
500 Stored Notifications (normal members get 50)
Unlimited Albums (normal members get 10)
Unlimited Images Per Album (normal members get 100)
Customizable Profile Background
Warm fuzzy feeling, knowing you are supporting SSV.
Your new supporter status will last for a full year. You can get your supporter status by clicking the More tab on the navigation bar, then selecting Support SSV. Or you can click here.