The FB February/March PAM is a series of eight Umbrella Girl patterns provided by Bob Beaupre. Entries can be one or more of the eight. You can find many finished versions Umbrella Girl Intarsia on Pinterest and I happen to run across a version of Number 7 by a Mehmet Biçer. Although the subject is not particularly interesting to me, after seeing Mehmet’s version I decided I would make only one and I also chose to do number 7. I used the photo his as guide for my presentation.
I resized the patten slightly to fit a 9 3/4” x 11 3/4’ oval. Wood I used: Aspen, Basswood, Blue Pine (5/8” thick for Oval), Cherry, Mahogany, Purpleheart, Wenge, and Yellowheart. The project was an easy cut but cutting the hat gave me fits (pun intended) during fit-up. That damn hard Purpleheart…you get my drift! The finish is multiple coats of rattle can spray Clear Gloss Acrylic Finish.
This is the image of the biece by Mehmet.
Comments and critiques are always welcome.