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  1. I was attempting to upload a pic of my recent work and I got this error."You have run out of room for uploads." I have only 2 pics on the whole site. Can someone explain what happened? Thank you in advance.
  2. The Pattern Library is where we store all of our free scroll saw patterns. We upload to the New Patterns folder, where they’ll stay for 30 days, or when I get around to organize it. Then it will be moved into the most appropriate category. Having your patterns in the Pattern Library, as opposed to an attachment to a forum post, makes your pattern easier for people to find. It is a real thrill when you see one of your patterns cut. So the easier they are to find, the more likely they’ll get cut. First, click the Pattern Library tab. Then click Upload in the upper right corner. (This also works if you’re User Gallery tab) This will take you to the upload page where you’re presented with a few options. Click Upload Pattern. A popup window will appear, listing all the pattern categories. Most of them are grayed out and can’t be uploaded to directly. But you can upload to New Patterns. Click the button next to that. Below that are your upload options. Click the Choose Files button and browse to the pictures on your computer. You can select more than one at a time if you’re using the Flash option. Then click Open. Your pictures will begin uploading immediately. When they’re done uploading, a Review & Publish button will appear. Click that to add information about your patterns. Be sure to pick a good title for the pattern. Every work of art needs a title. The Tags section are for keywords that people might use to search for your pattern. For the Description section, add a quick description about the pattern; perhaps the size of cutting, special instructions, or any other additional notes a person may need to complete the project. For the Pattern Designer section, be sure to add your name as the pattern designer so people can give credit where credit is due. Once you filled out all of the fields, click Finish & Publish. It will take you back to the New Patterns category you just uploaded to where you can see your patterns have successfully uploaded. If you want to share your pattern in a forum post, check out my other tutorial, How To Share Gallery Pictures for more information. A couple of notes. Please keep all patterns in the Pattern Library and not in your personal gallery. Patterns will be moved if they’re in the User Gallery. This just keeps everything organized and easy to find. And lastly, this is very important, please only share patterns that you have personally designed yourself from copyright free materials. I have a strict policy about keeping copyright lawyers off my lawn. View full article
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