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Found 5 results

  1. As I promised several days ago,here is the Hooked Catfish.I had to combine 2 patterns to make this one. I think it turned out pretty good.The Screaming Eagle my Wife found for me somewhere.I,m gonna have to watch her.find her secret.
  2. Well here are a few things I have done recently,Keeping my promise to my self to do more wildlife this year,The coon is from the Library.The Bass I found on line somewhere my Wife found the Shepard.I am working on a Hooked Catfish,could ot find a pattern,so I combined 2 patterns and came up with a fairly good one,I will post it when done.
  3. Is it Real,or just a Myth,Some have claim to have seen it.Some say they do exist.I myself have never seen one.but here for your viewing pleasure is the Jackalope!!
  4. Here are my hunting knives. The handles are all made from different woods, and the blade is 2 pieces of 1/8" maple glued together. the handles are made from - pheasant- culry maple, wenge, aromatic red cedar, and box elder deer - ash, yellow heart, aromatic red cedar, and box elder buffalo - oak, wenge, aromatic red cedar, and box elder They are about 18 1/2" long
  5. Here is the second one completed. It is made from - curly ambrosia maple, sassafrass, butternut,walnut, and wenge.
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