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amazingkevin last won the day on January 20 2023

amazingkevin had the most liked content!

About amazingkevin

  • Birthday 04/01/1951

Where To Find Me

My Profile

  • First Name:
  • Occupation:
  • Location:
    fort lauderdale florida
  • Gender:
  • Scroll Saw:
    9 dewalt dw788 type 1 &type 2,1-20" c-arm craftsman,18" dremil
  • Project Types:
    over60,000 projects completed, many1000's of names,500 plus keychains,20 licence plates,12 wedding hearts, 6 intarsias much fretwork, countless word art,puzzles,etc.
  • Interests:
    scrolling,shortwave radio,art,harmonica&piano,fix whats broke,computing,making marriage work, over working scroll saws
  • Pattern Designer:
  • Design Software:
  • Favorite Books:
    I only like to read true things and am loaded with useless trivea. "raw fruit and vegetable juice "by norman walker.he has 6 books in all.
  • Favorite TV Shows:
    JOEL OSTEEN is all i watch
  • Favorite Movies:
    bruce lee, jet lee,most action flicks but don't have time for the tube anymore .to many other creature interests occupy my time ,scrolling,reading scroll saw magazines searching the internet for answers.thats a real money saver.
  • Two Truths & A Lie:
    one woman Christian man, just gave 3 tons of handyman, tradesman tools to a Christian missionary thrift store for free because of the recession in 2004. I'm only 6 years old.
  • Quote:
    if it's not broke don't fix it!

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  1. Well today my trac phone died . I get free internet and texting and voice but never applied it to any of the phones I have. I just received a apple #7 phone and can't find it .I know I'm looking right at it as with other things I lose but it's escaping being found . My sim card is in the free tablet that's why in texting tonight. When I find the apple phone the sim card will go in it.
  2. Thank you siri don,t eat or drink enough anymore as it's a job to do so..but force myself to make saw dust once in a great while. I can't find my larger blades. I sure they are behind the planks of areo matic cedar my friend gave me which took forever to move half way in the already stuffed shop. I think the blades are in a small box behind them which at this point and time might as well be at the end of the world for me to dig them out.the way this is all playing out is like when I was a handyman with 3 5 tons of tools I lost who would have thought I would run out of work.just like the shop now I pick up quality free hard wood because I can't afford to buy it .well I'm loaded up with wood to last me the rest of my life and just like the tools who would have thought I could never saw anymore form sickness that's lasting.
  3. The DeWalt has put me thru the mill with repairs. I can't even take it off the stand as I'm to weak. It's only 74 pounds. I struggle with one tee shirt bag #20 of grocerys
  4. Ol true blue you.!!! You never miss one of my posts.A real dedicated fan!!!
  5. I needed to put a flower on each corner but can't because the printer is jammed and stacked high with boxs of my clutter. I'm too weak to clear the mess to print out the flower picture patterns
  6. I need a E-mail account as I lost my Yahoo too. So he can't send me a new password.
  7. That's easy I can,t do anything!!!
  8. Thank you friend.!!!
  9. I ineeded a new phone and lost al my accounts ,facebook, SSV ETC
  10. Hey!? i see some of my work under yours,lol
  11. That's my boy!!!
  12. Now that,s a shelf!!!! And almost looks as good as your daughter your standing with!!!
  13. Need to get scrolling back in my blood. Found a project to look at each day to help me get there againIMG_20230113_181625.thumb.jpg.6859c7edf528c326e105b6d9ba67492c.jpgIMG_20230113_181625.thumb.jpg.6859c7edf528c326e105b6d9ba67492c.jpgIMG_20230113_181633.thumb.jpg.5fad1a2a97b14bc970d50f3aa6f63149.jpgIMG_20230113_181647.thumb.jpg.dfab2a1ed9961ca8dd091c562e7b8fd9.jpg

    1. amazingkevin


      SSV, sent me a notice saying they think this is spam???? I did this years ago and less than 6. It's in my gallery which I can't get in to prove it because I don't have my yearly dues up to date. I,m poor and live on $600 a month from SSI And disability. Within the last 6 days I,ve been bed ridden and left for dead  from the hospital and my insurance company, united health dual complete PPO.zero co pays.i fell backwards on a concrete parking stop.innevervin a million years would have thought I could get up but did and went to the hospital . They said nothing is broke. And threw me out of the hospital.ibwould,not wish this a on anyone.

  14. Thank you Ron, yes long time no see! Thanks for chiming in friend!!!
  15. Thanks Charlie , I need to look at your gallery soon to inspire me more. Your taste in scroll saw projects are the best!!
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