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Phantom Scroller

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Phantom Scroller last won the day on February 17 2018

Phantom Scroller had the most liked content!

About Phantom Scroller

  • Birthday 08/14/1953

Where To Find Me

My Profile

  • First Name:
  • Occupation:
    Retired and very happy home worker.
  • Location:
    Hartpury Glos UK
  • Gender:
  • Scroll Saw:
    Excaliber EX-21
  • Project Types:
    Wood Turning,Pen making,Fretwork,Portraits,Compound cutting,Nameplates when ever I have the time as I'm ADDICTED to wood. Now CNC work and lasering I try anything.
  • Interests:
    Gardening, Woodwork, computers and Photography
  • Pattern Designer:
  • Design Software:
    Inkscape and Photoshop & Xara Xtreme. Aspire
  • Favorite Books:
    Wood Turning and Scroll work how boring.
  • Favorite TV Shows:
    Gardening and woodwork
  • Favorite Movies:
  • Two Truths & A Lie:
    I'm a millionaire from woodworking. I am addicted to woodwork .
  • Quote:
    Now you see me, now you don't

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Phantom Scroller's Achievements

Master Scroller

Master Scroller (9/10)



  1. Great just did this on the laser for my wood shed. Roly PS: It's two ply plastic the grand kids couldn't say Grampy
  2. I've was always taught they are guide lines to follow, so if it was lasered on ply you might just take the first layer off trying to remove the lines but would be ok on good wood. Practice on rubbish piece first to get the right burn and see how it goes on ply is my thought. Roly
  3. Stupendous work. Roly
  4. Tea riffic
  5. Yep it's the first thing to go on mine but I left the arm on it was bolted to and it came loose ah well you learn how ever old you are. It's gone nowRoly
  6. I could wrong but I had a knocking noise on the front of my ex21 only to find it was the arm that holds the hold down hitting the machine. Worth a check unless you removed the arm of course.Roly
  7. Neat work Barb. Roly
  8. Beautiful work , luv it. Roly
  9. Excellent work the letters always kill me when I make these my eyes hurt Roly
  10. Good work Charlie. Roly
  11. Great work Dick. I'm the same now don't do shows anymore so just making for family so nothing to show really but keeping my hand in. Roly.
  12. I would use Sellotape but I have heard people use hot glue but it might be difficult to get apart. I use Sellotape over my patterns anyway.
  13. Gee up, great work love it. Roly
  14. I can safely say you don't need my help, great work. Try a sandwich of three layers and you will find the one in the the middle is best. Roly
  15. Thanks All. It was a fun project. Roly
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