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Iguanadon last won the day on October 21 2021

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About Iguanadon

  • Birthday February 20

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    Carolina Beach, NC
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  • Scroll Saw:
  • Project Types:
    Puzzles and key/leash hook racks cut from poplar
  • Pattern Designer:

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Veteran Scroller

Veteran Scroller (8/10)



  1. Hello Puzzle Zombies, I hope that everyone is doing well. I got curious about my cutting time these days. I set things up and just shot a video. Much faster than I thought or guessed. Speed should never be a goal, I was just curious and went at my normal pace but was very surprised when done. Who wants to compare times just for kicks? Cut one and report back to us.
  2. Hi All, The last 2 years have been a bit rough, a lot going on in my personal life, but I'm about to jump back into things in a big way. I found out Saturday that I was accepted to a mega-event (Merlefest)... it's a 4 day music festival with a hundred or so craft vendors. I've had friends tell me I need to sign up for it and now that I live closer to it, I did. My last event was in September and it was my best 1 day event ever. My inventory is depleted and now I need to focus on making at least 500 puzzles in the next 11 weeks to be prepared for it. I'm diving in and got my first 25 or so puzzles cut of display items that I sold at my last event. After I get caught up on display items I'll begin working on duplicates of all of the most popular items. I also ordered a Seyco saw and look forward to receiving it in the coming weeks. Iggy
  3. Hey everyone! It's been a while and I'm glad to see some familiar names and a whole bunch of new ones! A couple of months ago I had a dog related retail shop reach out to me asking if I'd be interested in displaying some of my items for sale. I was very upfront with her, told that I've done it 3 times before and it simply didn't work out. Apparently my sales pitch and charm are what sell them at craft events. Seriously, in retail stores they've never done well. The puzzles need to be shrink wrapped so that pieces don't get scattered around and folks don't grasp and comprehend the concept of them. But... this time, some mild success as she has sold about 8 or 9 puzzles and a leash rack or two in the past month with holiday shoppers. Considering I sell 40-50 or more at a 1 day craft event, I won't be giving up that part of my fun. LOL I hope everyone is doing well, especially my beloved Puzzle Zombies.
  4. Hello to my long lost SSV friends! It's been a wild 2 years for me and I won't bore everyone with the details, but we moved to a new city a year ago and I'm only doing my bigger events while trying to find new venues and events in the new city. I hope everyone is doing well. If any of you are on FB, I have an active group there. https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrollsawpuzzles I have a decent shop setup here at the new house, I just need to find the time to get in there and cut... My last event was in October and won't have another until April. Catch me up on what's happening? Iggy
  5. Yes sir, all patterns are by Harvey Byler and I sell them for him. Over 1,000 animals and more. Big Foot, Sasquatch, Yeti... and real animals like Unicorns and Dragons too. By far, the dogs are the most popular, over 250 breeds drawn by the master. Go down to the PATTERNS area to browse... free immediate download upon purchase. www.WoodcraftByScott.com
  6. There you go taking me out of context... I said what I was gonna do in 2023, then left 2024 open to whatever happens. "In years past I've done 20-25 craft events per year, this coming year I plan on only doing about 6 of my biggest and best events. We'll see what 2024 holds as I learn about local events here in the new home town. (Moved from Carolina Beach, NC to Winston-Salem, NC)"
  7. Hey Charley, yep, adjusting to the weather changes. Lived in Raleigh/Durham for 50 years so not much different, just have to readjust after beach living. I attended a meeting of the local Carolina Scrollers group but haven't looked into NCWoodwork yet, but I will.
  8. Hi, my name is Iggy and I'm new here... OK, not new, but been away a while and it's great to see familiar names and some new ones. Long story short, my wife had serious health issues the past 18 months, all is well now and she's back to 100%. And 2 months ago we moved (to be closer to family) and after 4 months of not cutting, I got my shop setup enough to start doing some scrolling. In years past I've done 20-25 craft events per year, this coming year I plan on only doing about 6 of my biggest and best events. We'll see what 2024 holds as I learn about local events here in the new home town. (Moved from Carolina Beach, NC to Winston-Salem, NC) One thing I'm excited about is a Big Foot Festival I'll be doing in May. Should be hilarious and fun. I plan on doing 50+ puzzles, 50+ wall racks, 10+ jumbo racks, a couple of desk clocks, maybe a couple sets of bookends... See what people like this first year and be better prepared for next year. My first cuttings this past weekend after 4 months of no cutting in the first photo... Big Foot and Sasquatch wall racks. And photos of finished products I've done before and will do more of for the festival.
  9. I'm retiring from puzzle making. I hit a new record, and I know I'll never do it again, so I might was well retire. Just kidding... but it was an amazing, record breaking weekend. I just got home and I'm so exhausted I can't put it into words. Here's the stats and remember, THIS IS VERY UNUSUAL AND NOBODY SHOULD EXPECT ANYTHING NEAR THIS UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES!!! 2 day event, 330 vendors, over 50,000 attendees. Lazy Daze in Cary, NC My Sales: 85 dog puzzles 36 non-dog puzzles 55 wall racks 16 stick figures Grand Total Sales - $5,745 If I had a dozen extra Greyhounds, Husky's and Shihtzu's, I'd have sold another 20 puzzles easily. I am so screwed as I have a decent 1 day event next Saturday. Good thing I took the week off from the day job this coming week.
  10. Hi Thurman, yes, here is the Maltese, however it is a bit "fru-fru". Harvey's only point of reference was the World Book Encyclopedia of Dogs and they are all show dogs.
  11. Harvey has actually drawn 250 breeds/varieties... it's amazing!
  12. In today's episode of "Why Does Scott Take 110 Breeds of Dog to Every Event?"... Yesterday I sold 13 puzzles and 4 leash holders. Of the 13 puzzles, 9 of them were dogs, and 4 of them were the "less popular breeds" but because I had them on hand, they were virtually a guaranteed sale as dog owners go crazy when you have their unusual breed as they never see them anywhere else. Some weeks I may not sell any oddballs, but over the course of a season it adds up to dozens of extra sales. Pointer Chessie Ridgeback Cattledog And I got asked for one I didn't have (which is rare) but next week I'll have 111 breeds with me when I add the Keeshond to my herd.
  13. When I stop enjoying it, I'll stop doing it. So far, after 6 years, I still love every minute at my saw and every hour at whatever craft event I'm at. And if it puts a spare $20,000 in my pocket each year after expenses that I can have fun with and enjoy with the family, even better. My full time day job is stressful, but also allows me the luxury of sneaking into the garage some times in between conference calls and cut a puzzle or two. My "free" mental therapy." I could never come close to what I make at the day job with my little hobby business, believe me I've tried crunching the numbers, but not just the paycheck, but the health insurance, etc, makes it impossible. If I'm still doing this in 8 or 9 years when I retire, great... some added retirement income as well. I enjoy staying busy and knowing that I could stop at any time if I need a break.
  14. This photo memory popped up on my phone this morning as I was setting up for my weekly market. 6 years ago today compared to today. Amazing the evolution. That was my 5th market ever, had just gotten started. Setup in almost the exact same spot...
  15. You're absolutely correct and my insurance broker is the one that brings it up. LOL She'll nail me down on it one day.
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